
August 6, 2014

I'm really into the minimal aesthetic. I have never really been into bold, flashy stuff and it always showed in many things that I liked or did. I just liked things to be simple. I'm plain I guess lol. It wasn't until much later that I discovered that this approach was called minimalism. Minimalism is a style which involves a toned down look. It essentially is about reducing something to the simplest state possible without completely taking away function and design. Lately I have been really into home decor/design. Like now I watch HGTV more often and get home magazines to look at lol. I think because its because I am a bit of a homebody, so I am really concerned about the comfort and look of my personal space. I find a minimal look relaxes me. Here are some home designs featuring a minimal look. Getting ideas for a future space lol.

(photos courtesy of tumblr/pinterest/google)


  1. I couldn't agree with you more about loving the minimalism looks. Nothing wrong with being plain and simple! :D

    1. Yes! lol I just find it calming. And its more my thing. No disrespect to those that like other things though!


Thank you for reading! Only good vibes here. Let me know what you think! - Irene